发表于 2007-9-9 21:10:47
29th session of Olympics games mascot figure
The lucky baby is Beijing in 2008 the 29th session of OlympicGames mascot figure, its color and the inspiration originate from theOlympics five links, originates the zoomorphism which likes to theChinese vast mountains and rivers earth and the people.
Beijing in 2008 the Olympic Games, remnant Austria meet the subjectslogan
"The identical world identical dream" (One World One Dream),the centralism has manifested the Olympics spirit essence and theuniversal values - unity, the friendship, the progress, the harmony,the participation and the dream, expressed the world in under theOlympics spirit impel, will pursue the human glorious future thecommon desire.
Beijing in 2008 Olympic Games conference symbol
"Waves Beijing" is an Olympics milestone. It uses the Chinesenation spirit to engrave in an Olympics epic poem classical beautifulpoem which, ancient civilized writing, the China descendantsmoral character casts leaves; It succinct and is profound, isdemonstrating a city evolution and the development; It dignified andis romantic, is manifesting a nationality's thought and the mood.
Olympics five links
The Olympics five links symbols are by Pierre Germany GuBaidan formed in one's mind the design in 1913, it was in the worldscope the most people widespread cognition Olympics games symbol. Fivedifferent colors rings have represented participation modern Olympicsgames five continents - Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and theAmericas
The volunteer symbolizes the explanation
Heart to heart buckles the heart shape, symbolizes thevolunteer and the athlete and the Olympics big family and all guestsheart Lian Zhuoxin, attentively serves, the offer compassion,increases the brilliance for the Olympics movement. Waves the humanform, has unfolded the volunteer, offers for the happy volunteer'sspirit. Volunteer's sincere smiling face, the splendid service, thefriendly behavior will arouse each Olympic Games 参与者 mindsympathetic chord. Two levels of symbols designs, have utilized theChina unique traditional culture form - China calligraphy and paintingartistic style, "the Chinese India waves Beijing" with the BeijingOlympic Games conference symbol mutually to complement
Environment symbol explanation
Green Olympic Games are one of important ideas which theBeijing Olympic Games proposed, but the long-enduring development isthe Olympics movement unremitting pursue. The Olympic Gamesenvironmental protection symbol by the person and the green tree isthe main shape. The green line linearity like waves the coloredribbon, surrounds interlocks, traces, as if cover crown, alsoresembles the flowers which is in full bloom, fills the infinitevitality and the hope, fully manifested the natural environmentalprotection to be possible the long-enduring development. The crown andthe person compose the towering big tree, is representing the personand the natural harmonious unification. Two levels of symbols designs,have utilized the China unique traditional culture form - Chinacalligraphy and painting artistic style, "the Chinese India wavesBeijing" with the Beijing Olympic Games conference symbol mutually tocomplement.
[ img ]http://images16.51.com/l/200704/d2/48/pk9413992/c4db24254da0364c10c129d7d2b5c888.jpg[ /img ]
Cultural activity symbol explanation
The symbol design performance manner and the lamp cheerfullywave. The lantern is the Chinese nation tradition holidayindispensable mascot figure, is symbolizing the reunion and thejubilation, is representing the Chinese tradition cultural essence.The Beijing Olympic Games culture festival also will be the universesignificant cultural grand meeting, the China 喜迎 the grandoccasion, Beijing is decorated with lanterns and coloured streamers togreet each place honored guest. Jubilantly altogether dances, thejubilant two levels of symbols design, has utilized the China uniquetraditional culture form - China calligraphy and painting artisticstyle, "the Chinese India waves Beijing" with the conference symbolmutually to complement. |